All of Life comes to Us
with Ease, Joy and Glory!

Simple and Fun

Manjunath has a unique ability to see things in a simple and no fuss manner. He brings a lot of humor and lightness to a conversation. An interaction with him makes one realize nothing is a big deal and everything can be fun!

Evolve and Explore

The tools of Access Consciousness are highly dynamic and when applied have the capacity to transform difficult situations into total ease, joy, and glory. They are a different way of looking at things that can change what holds us from not being able to evolve into what we desire to be. You are invited to explore what these tools have to offer through the programs & sessions offered here.


TTTE Intro & Beginning

Live & Online

23-25 August 2024

Bandra, Mumbai


TTTE in Dubai

with Nithya & Manju

Intro, Beginning, Intermediate

Oct 2024

5 Days to a Different You!


  5 Days

10 SOP sessions

A different You!

I'm choosing this!
Friday FREEday!

If Everything in life was FREE, what would you choose?

Every Friday • 8 AM Mexico


10 AM Brazil / 3 PM CET /

5 PM UAE / 6.30 PM India

I'm in, for Friday Fun!



Started in August 2020 and still running, a one-of-a-kind program which, for the first time, provides you engagement with the facilitator everyday, through the energy of your Asks.

A Symphony session is a highly dynamic tool that works with the energy of the person and what they are asking. It creates greater communion in a person's universe and is kind of like the play and magic of an orchestra!

To know more about a Symphony Session watch the video at

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